Friday, March 20, 2009


Wow, this is so much better.  

It's still not great - I'm not back to "normal" - but it's better.

I think it was the combination of taking him off my buddy list (and not talking to him for a whole week) and going to see my friends in the city last weekend.  We had a reunion weekend of sorts, and it was just spectacular and magical to be surrounded by people who know me and love me - where I don't have to constantly apologize for myself or prove myself to anybody.  It was a great weekend.  I had so much fun.

I also tried pot for the first time.  This is kindof a big deal, since I'm the only person I know that has held out this long before even trying it.  The reasons why I didn't smoke are complicated, and have a lot to do with what happened to a couple of my high school friends when they started smoking.  Then they got more complicated when I started dating him because he is a total pothead, and pot became one of the biggest "problems" in our relationship because I didn't approve of him smoking himself stupid every night and being content to live in his parents' house and work a menial job.  Because of that perpetual argument, I really couldn't try pot because it would have made me a hypocrite.  I'm not sure if I decided to smoke just to spite him, but it definitely felt good to do it in spite of him.  I've been feeling a little "out of the loop" about it for a while - like everyone else has this shared experience that I can't relate to.  But because of him, in order to hold my ground in the perpetual argument (because everything was an argument) I couldn't explore it.  Anyway, I'll probably have to smoke again because I was drunk at the time and if I did get high, I just felt drunk.

Anyway... the really good feelings from that weekend carried over once I got back home.  I mean, it wasn't all gumdrops and rainbows.  My dad let slip that he saw my ex out "on a date" at a restaurant that weekend.  I don't think it was a "date" because all of his friends that he goes out to eat with are girls.  But whatever.  That threw me off for a couple days.  Also, I saw that he changed his facebook picture to a new one, and when I saw it my heart sped up again.  I hate how strongly my body reacts to any new images or news about him.  It's like I'm about to have a panic attack.  Heart and breathing speeds up, and I suddenly feel queasy and terrified.  Everytime.

So, things are a little better.  I am not miserable 24 hours a day.  But I still feel very unstable - like the slightest thing could push me right back into how I was.  It's not a comfortable place to be, but it's better.

I am very angry though.  I am so angry that it had to come to this.  That it had to come to not being able to talk to him AT ALL in order to just maintain a minimum level of sanity.  That is not fair.  How the fuck did we screw it all up so badly?  I HATE that the greatest romance of my life has now been tarished and cheapened with this shitty ending.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Idea Girl,

    Glad to hear you are doing better. I understand the physical reaction to news about an ex that was supposed to be "the one". It will get easier as time goes by. Its good to see friends, they help.

    I don't know about pot, I tried once, it didn't do anything so I stuck with booze. I was sober when I tried it so I know it wasn't a booze "cover" of the pot high.

    Just be careful and keep taking care of you.
